Pleiades Star Initiations: Remembering Your Essence & Origin
Sat, Jun 22, 2019 9:00 AM - Sun, Jun 23, 2019 5:00 PM
Reach for the Stars-Experience star teachings from the high Andes of Peru
Gifted to us by Don Mariano Quispe, Q’ero elder, healer, and seer.
Learn the mythology and lore of the Pleiades
Bring in the light from above
Journey to the stars and reconnect to the ancestors
Shine light on all aspects of your being
Infuse yourself with new inspiration
Clear away what is no longer needed
Allow for healing and transformation
Find out more about your true potential
Further your visionary skills for this new time
Navigate the new times with more support and grace
Promote greater traction in the world
Experience the power of community, ceremony and modern-day rituals
Taught by Lorraine Stern
For More information please call 831-206-9291 or email
$275 for workshop ($100 deposit holds your spot)